North Texas Dog Breeding & Reproductive Services
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Reproductive Services in Fort Worth
Looking to improve conception rates in your breeding program or just looking for general care and advice with a pregnancy? We can assist you with all of your reproductive needs! We offer a full range of services including in house progesterone screening, breeding soundness exams, semen evaluation, artificial insemination, pregnancy confirmation, delivery, genetic screening and evaluation. Please call and set up an appointment with one of our veterinarians to discuss how we can further assist you with your breeding program
Comprehensive Pre-breeding Exam (Male or Female)
This is to determine whether your dog is capable of breeding. This is important for both first-time breedings and for those dogs that have not been used for breeding for over one year. It is also recommended when planning to send out chilled semen for an upcoming breeding.
Semen Collection, Evaluation, Freezing and Storage
When looking at your stud dog’s semen analysis there are a number of things to consider regarding his fertility. These include semen volume, motility, colour, concentration, sperm morphology, and pH.
Semen evaluation is an important tool in evaluating fertility. Remember that not every ejaculate is the same. A single lousy sample may not be the end of your stud dog’s career.
There are many factors that can cause problems in sperm production such as stress, genetics, abnormal heat regulation, nutritional deficiencies, seasons, drugs, age and radiation.
We offer a variety of services for your stud dog including semen collection and evaluation, semen freezing and banking. We are an official Zoetis freezing center.
We have the capability to receive or ship fresh chilled or frozen semen to any location in the world.
Neonatal Care
Neonatal Care is a highly specialized area of veterinary medicine dedicated to caring for pregnant animals and their newborn offspring. Just like human newborn babies, newborn dogs and cats in their first days and hours of life are highly susceptible to a variety of serious and potentially life threatening illnesses such as premature birth, developmental abnormalities, low birth weights, oxygen deprivation, low body temperatures, bacterial infections, etc.
During birthing and shortly thereafter, it is critical to provide quality care. We offer neonatal services that maximize the odds of survival and recovery. We are dedicated to ensuring the survival of these young animals with progression into normal development and care
Artificial Insemenation-Vaginal, Surgical Intrauterine or Endoscopic Guided Transcervical
We offer the best selection of insemenation options based on your pet’s individual needs. Vaginal insemenation, intrauterine implantation or endoscopic guided transervical implantation are available.
To futher improve conception rates, our veterinarians perform intrauterine insemenation by surgical implantation or endoscopic transcervical implantation.
To have optimal chances of pregnancy, this is performed concurrently with timing of the estrus cycle via progesterone and luteinizing hormonal assays.
Ovulation Timing & In-Hospital Lab Services
Progesterone is a hormone measurable in the blood of the in heat female dog. Progesterone rises after the luteinizing hormone peaks and continues to rise whether the female dog is bred or not, pregnant or not for the next 60 days or so. Progesterone is a excellent tool for breeders to determine breeding dates. Bitches are best bred when the progesterone is 9.5 through 10ng/ml.
Our in house laboratory uses an in house Progesterone and Leuteinizing Hormonal Assays of analytical laboratory quality. Made by bioMérieux Industry, our testing analyser requires special training in it’s use. In our laboratory, every effort is made to assure reliable, precise and rapid same day results within about 90 minutes. The recommendations we make to breeders are based on the experience with the testing method we use.
So, if you have heard how wonderful progesterone and luteinizing hormonal testing is for timing the breeding, that is right!!! Progesterone and LH testing is much better than doing a vaginal smear. But, be aware that the sampling techniques and progesterone and LH testing and kits differ dramatically. Always ask your veterinarian as to their testing methods.
Cytology Evaluation of Vaginal Cells
Cytology in the reproductive setting is the examination of individual cells and small clusters of cells. It may be used for the diagnosis and screening of normal and disease states, including cancers.
We can perform vaginal cytology on female dogs to help determine the optimum time to breed and enhance the success of pregnancy. To do so, we take a swab of the vaginal cells and analyze them under a microscope. Sometimes more than one sample is needed.
Additional tests, including a thyroid analysis, should be performed on your dog before her estrus cycle. These tests can rule out any potential problems or alert you to issues that need to be addressed before breeding.
Delivery- Assisted or Caesarian Section
Most animals give birth without any complications. However, mothers occasionally need help with delivery. We usually attempt to resolve the problem using medical therapy first, but when that doesn’t solve the issue, we will perform a caesarian section.
During a c-section, the mother is given an anesthetic. An incision is then made along her abdomen and through the uterus to retrieve unborn puppies or kittens. In some situations, we may recommend that the mother be spayed during this procedure, usually to prevent future problems of this nature.